Good On You incorporates a number of living wage benchmarks into our methodology, but we recognise that not all regions are covered by existing benchmarks.

Living wages are one of the most important concerns in the eyes of consumers and are the subject of many civil society campaigns. There are many challenges in determining whether workers are paid living wages and methodologies are still evolving. Good On You incorporates a number of benchmarks in our methodology, but we recognise that not all regions are covered by existing benchmarks.

What it means to pay a living wage

A living wage is generally agreed to be a wage which will allow a worker and their family to afford a decent standard of living. Elements of a decent standard of living include food, water, housing, education, health care, transport, clothing, and other essential needs—including provision for unexpected events.

Best practice on wages is public disclosure

We recognise that living wages will often take time to implement. In this case, we recommend disclosing to customers what work brands are currently doing to improve wages, even if it isn’t yet a living wage.